DagangHalal International Food & Beverages and Halal Trade Shows

Tastefully F&B Expo 2012

Trade Fair Overview By the name of “Tastefully” is subject to the meaning of the sense of taste to have enjoyment of distinct flavour and feeling totally completely by the taste of food. It is a remarkable name to all food lover and visitor to remember the Taste Fully Food & Beverage Expo (TBFE). Building […]

EuroHalal Market 2012

On the 29th, 30th November and 1st December EuroHalal market, the unique international trade fair on Halal products in Europe, will take place at Tour&Taxis, Brussels (Belgium). EuroHalal market is an opportunity for the professionals to exchange but also discover the new trends and products of the Halal worlwide sector. We will therefore note the […]